Results for 'JosÉ M. Vilanova'

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  1. Four kinds of subminimal negation within the context of the basic positive logic b+ Jose M. Mendez, francisco Salto and Pedro Mendez R.Jose M. Mendez - 2002 - Logique Et Analyse 45 (178):119-128.
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    Of gods and men: The gift of bicameral mentality in Lake Atitlán's Mayan oral literature.José M. Franco Rodríguez & Daniel Montoya - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12236.
    This study investigates contemporary Mayan oral stories through the lens of Julian Jaynes's theory on the origin of consciousness, aiming to identify a potential connection between the literary elements of these narratives and traits of pre‐consciousness outlined by Jaynes. Jaynes's neuropsychological thesis argues that human consciousness emerged around 3000 years ago after a period of “bicameral mind,” characterized by auditory “hallucinations” that guided non‐habitual behavior. He claims that remnants of bicameral mentality linger to this day in all cultures. While his (...)
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  3. Logical consequence revisited.José M. Sagüillo - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):216-241.
    Tarski's 1936 paper, “On the concept of logical consequence”, is a rather philosophical, non-technical paper that leaves room for conflicting interpretations. My purpose is to review some important issues that explicitly or implicitly constitute its themes. My discussion contains four sections: terminological and conceptual preliminaries, Tarski's definition of the concept of logical consequence, Tarski's discussion of omega-incomplete theories, and concluding remarks concerning the kind of conception that Tarski's definition was intended to explicate. The third section involves subsidiary issues, such as (...)
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    Ticket Entailment plus the mingle axiom has the variable-sharing property.José M. Méndez, Gemma Robles & Francisco Salto - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (1):355-364.
    The logic TM is the result of adding the mingle axiom, M to Ticket Entailment logic, T. In the present study, it is proved that TM has the variable-sharing property . Ternary relational semantics for TM is provided. Finally, an interesting extension of TM with the vsp is briefly discussed.
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    Domains of Sciences, Universes of Discourse and Omega Arguments.Jose M. Saguillo - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 20 (3-4):267-290.
    Each science has its own domain of investigation, but one and the same science can be formalized in different languages with different universes of discourse. The concept of the domain of a science and the concept of the universe of discourse of a formalization of a science are distinct, although they often coincide in extension. In order to analyse the presuppositions and implications of choices of domain and universe, this article discusses the treatment of omega arguments in three very different (...)
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    An Interpretation of Łukasiewicz’s 4-Valued Modal Logic.José M. Méndez, Gemma Robles & Francisco Salto - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (1):73-87.
    A simple, bivalent semantics is defined for Łukasiewicz’s 4-valued modal logic Łm4. It is shown that according to this semantics, the essential presupposition underlying Łm4 is the following: A is a theorem iff A is true conforming to both the reductionist and possibilist theses defined as follows: rt: the value of modal formulas is equivalent to the value of their respective argument iff A is true, etc.); pt: everything is possible. This presupposition highlights and explains all oddities arising in Łm4.
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  7. Fitch's problem and the knowability paradox: Logical and philosophical remarks'.Concha Martinez, Jose-Miguel SAGüILLO & Javier Vilanova - 1997 - Logica Trianguli 1:73-91.
    Fitch´s problem and the "knowability paradox" involve a couple of argumentations that are to each other in the same relation as Cantor´s uncollected multitudes theorem and Russell´s paradox. The authors exhibit the logical nature of the theorem and of the paradox and show their philosophical import, both from an anti-realist and from a realist perspective. In particular, the authors discuss an anti-realist solution to Fitch´s problem and provide an anti-realist interpretation of the problematic statement "It is knowable that r is (...)
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    The logic determined by Smiley’s matrix for Anderson and Belnap’s first-degree entailment logic.José M. Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (1):47-68.
    The aim of this paper is to define the logical system Sm4 characterised by the degree of truth-preserving consequence relation defined on the ordered set of values of Smiley’s four-element matrix MSm4. The matrix MSm4 has been of considerable importance in the development of relevant logics and it is at the origin of bilattice logics. It will be shown that Sm4 is a most interesting paraconsistent logic which encloses a sound theory of logical necessity similar to that of Anderson and (...)
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    On the Monotonicity of a Nondifferentially Mismeasured Binary Confounder.Jose M. Peña - 2020 - Journal of Causal Inference 8 (1):150-163.
    Suppose that we are interested in the average causal effect of a binary treatment on an outcome when this relationship is confounded by a binary confounder. Suppose that the confounder is unobserved but a nondifferential proxy of it is observed. We show that, under certain monotonicity assumption that is empirically verifiable, adjusting for the proxy produces a measure of the effect that is between the unadjusted and the true measures.
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    Urquhart's C with Intuitionistic Negation: Dummett's LC without the Contraction Axiom.José M. Méndez & Francisco Salto - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (3):407-413.
    This paper offers a particular intuitionistic negation completion of Urquhart's system C resulting in a super-intuitionistic contractionless propositional logic equivalent to Dummett's LC without contraction.
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    Strengthening Brady’s Paraconsistent 4-Valued Logic BN4 with Truth-Functional Modal Operators.José M. Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (2):163-189.
    Łukasiewicz presented two different analyses of modal notions by means of many-valued logics: the linearly ordered systems Ł3,..., Open image in new window,..., \; the 4-valued logic Ł he defined in the last years of his career. Unfortunately, all these systems contain “Łukasiewicz type paradoxes”. On the other hand, Brady’s 4-valued logic BN4 is the basic 4-valued bilattice logic. The aim of this paper is to show that BN4 can be strengthened with modal operators following Łukasiewicz’s strategy for defining truth-functional (...)
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  12. James on truth and solidarity : The epistemology of diversity and the politics of specificity.José M. Medina - 2009 - In John J. Stuhr (ed.), 100 Years of Pragmatism: William James's Revolutionary Philosophy. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
  13.  45
    Do Trait Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Mindfulness Have a Complementary Effect on the Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotional States?Jose M. Mestre, Jorge Turanzas, Maria García-Gómez, Joan Guerra, Jose R. Cordon, Gabriel G. De La Torre & Victor M. Lopez-Ramos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    El problema del concepto abstracto en Aristóteles.José Mª Benavente Barreda - 1968 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3 (5):51.
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  15. Vico y Hobbes: el «verum-factum».José M. Bermudo - 1991 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 1:135.
    Aunque Vico hace varias referencias a Hobbes creemos que en realidad nunca tuvo un estrecho conocimiento del filósofo inglés. Pensamos que no merece la pena realmente buscar similitudes o coincidencias generales en textos seleccionados. Pero sí creemos que sería interesante comparar ambas actitudes metodológicas, su esfuerzo común por establecer las bases de una ciencia civil invirtiendo la "jerarquía de la evidencia", esto es, llevando el nivel de la ciencia social a las matemáticas y trasladando las ciencias naturales al rango de (...)
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    The basic constructive logic for absolute consistency.José M. Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (2):199-216.
    In this paper, consistency is understood as absolute consistency (i.e. non-triviality). The basic constructive logic BKc6, which is adequate to this sense of consistency in the ternary relational semantics without a set of designated points, is defined. Then, it is shown how to define a series of logics by extending BKc6 up to contractionless intuitionistic logic. All logics defined in this paper are paraconsistent logics.
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    John Corcoran.José M. Sagüillo, Michael Scanlan & Stewart Shapiro - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (3):201-223.
    We present a memorial summary of the professional life and contributions to logic of John Corcoran. We also provide a full list of his many publications.Courtesy of Lynn Corcoran.
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    The Aristotelian Psychology of Tragic Mimesis.José M. González - 2019 - Phronesis 64 (2):172-245.
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    The narrative self-model in schizophrenia: integrating predictive processing with phenomenological psychopathology.José M. Araya, Pablo López-Silva & Cherise Rosen - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    Over the last several years, predictive processing approaches to computational neuropsychiatry have been gaining explanatory traction. According to these accounts, some of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia arise from aberrant precision-weighting during hierarchical Bayesian inference. In contrast to computational approaches, the phenomenological tradition in psychiatry holds that disruptions or alterations of the self (Ichstörungen) lie at the core of schizophrenia. In this article, we aim to integrate these approaches. We align ourselves with the phenomenological insight that self-disturbances lie at the (...)
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    Neurorights Training of a Multidisciplinary Studentship Based on Realistic Neuroscience.José M. Muñoz & Javier Bernacer - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):60-65.
    As is usually the case with other topics addressed by neuroethics, a rigorous analysis of neurorights requires an interdisciplinary approach. In response to this need and in the context of the global expansion of regulatory initiatives on neurorights, we coordinated, under the auspices of the International Center for Neuroscience and Ethics (CINET), an introductory course on neurorights from a neuroscientific perspective. The course, aimed at sixty students from diverse backgrounds (neuroscience, psychology, and law, among others), consisted of a 10-hr training (...)
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    PERVALE-S: a new cognitive task to assess deaf people’s ability to perceive basic and social emotions.José M. Mestre, Cristina Larrán, Joaquín Herrero, Rocío Guil & Gabriel G. de la Torre - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  22. The Sustainable Sites Initiative-Performance-based rating system for landscape projects.José M. Almiñana - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 70:94.
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    Newly evolved genes: Moving from comparative genomics to functional studies in model systems.José M. Ranz & John Parsch - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (6):477-483.
    Genes are gained and lost over the course of evolution. A recent study found that over 1,800 new genes have appeared during primate evolution and that an unexpectedly high proportion of these genes are expressed in the human brain. But what are the molecular functions of newly evolved genes and what is their impact on an organism's fitness? The acquisition of new genes may provide a rich source of genetic diversity that fuels evolutionary innovation. Although gene manipulation experiments are not (...)
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  24.  18
    Daycare Center Attendance Buffers the Effects of Maternal Authoritarian Parenting Style on Physical Aggression in Children.José M. Muñoz, Paloma Braza, Rosario Carreras, Francisco Braza, Aitziber Azurmendi, Eider Pascual-Sagastizábal, Jaione Cardas & José R. Sánchez-Martín - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Rural Economics of René de Girardin: Landscapes at the Service of L'Idéologie Nobiliaire.José M. Menudo & Nicolas Rieucau - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (3):429-449.
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    Of Exterior and Exception: Latin American Rhetoric, Subalternity, and the Politics of Cultural Difference.José M. Cortez - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (2):124-150.
    ABSTRACT The question of non-Western difference has come to feature prominently across the field of comparative rhetoric, where it is often presupposed that an irreducible difference separates Western from non-Western rhetorical and cultural production. It is on the basis of this presupposition that critics have established a politics of comparative inquiry, whereby restituting the pure consciousness of a non-Western subaltern subject is understood to subvert the hegemony of Western thought. But what exactly is the nature of this difference? In this (...)
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  27. Ibn Jaldún y Vico: afinidades y contrastes.Jose M. Sevilla - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:191-214.
    La existencia de evidentes semejanzas en cuestiones concretas entre las concepciones históricas y, sobre todo, entre algunos principios de la Muqaddimah de Ibn Jaldún y la Scienza Nuova de Vico, inducen a una puesta en confrontación de las principales ideas históricas de ambos pensadores. Considerando la distancia temporal de cuatro siglos entre el historiador magrebí y el filósofo napolitano, así como sus diferentes ámbitos culturales, se apuntan una serie de afinidades y de contrastes.The existence of plain resemblances on specific questions (...)
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  28. Cortina, Adela: Razón comunicativa y responsabilidad solidaria. Etica y política en K. O. Apel. Epílogo de L. O. Apel.José M. Vegas - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:392-397.
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    On the Whys and Hows of Quantitative Research.Jose M. Cortina - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (1):19-29.
    For this issue of JBE, Zyphur and Pierides :1–16, 2017) have written a paper on a concept that they have labeled relational validity. The purpose of the paper and of their advocacy for the concept of relational validity is to improve the way that quantitative research is done by expanding our understanding of its ethics-laden aspects. I agree entirely with the authors that every decision regarding QR is an ethics-laden one and that our research as a whole would be improved (...)
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    Methodological Practice and Complementary Concepts of Logical Consequence: Tarski's Model-Theoretic Consequence and Corcoran's Information-Theoretic Consequence.José M. Sagüillo - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (1):21-48.
    This article discusses two coextensive concepts of logical consequence that are implicit in the two fundamental logical practices of establishing validity and invalidity for premise-conclusion arguments. The premises and conclusion of an argument have information content (they ?say? something), and they have subject matter (they are ?about? something). The asymmetry between establishing validity and establishing invalidity has long been noted: validity is established through an information-processing procedure exhibiting a step-by-step deduction of the conclusion from the premise-set. Invalidity is established by (...)
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    Zooming Out from the Brain to Foster Translational Neuroethics.José M. Muñoz & Javier Bernácer - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):405-407.
    In their valuable call-for-action article, Wexler and Specker Sullivan (2023) propose an integration–inclusion–impact axis for “translational neuroethics,” to face the challenges and criticisms tha...
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    Nuevos aportes (históricos Y filosóficos) Par? La fürtuna de Vico en el siglg XIX espanol.Jose M. Sevilla - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:217.
    En su anterior estudio sobre la recepción de Vico en el s. XIX español, el autor analizó los casos de importantes intelectuales como Juan Donoso Cortés, Jaime Luciano Balmes, Juan Valera, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Alfredo Adolfo Camus y Nicolás Serrano. Con ello se cumplió parte del plan de desmontar la tesis frecuentemente aceptada de una "ausencia" de Vico en España. Este plan se viene a desarrollar ahora con una nueva aportación investigadora en la que el autor muestra y analiza tres (...)
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    Konkrete Geschichtlichkeit?: Das Frühwerk Marcuses zwischen Marx und Heidegger.José M. Romero - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (4):591-611.
    This article reconstructs Herbert Marcuse’s first and widely ignored philosophical project, as set out in his texts published from 1928 to 1933. In these texts, Marcuse tried to put in dialogue ideas from Heidegger and Marx to articulate a dialectic phenomenology of historical existence. This attempt, of great originality and philosophical ambition, was marked by tensions arising from the peculiar status given to the ontology of historicity in a framework of thought that maintained strong links with Marx. By analysing this (...)
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    Aristotle rules, OK?José M. Villagrán & Rogelio Luque - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):265-268.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle Rules, OK?José M. Villagrán (bio) and Rogelio Luque (bio)KeywordsAristotle, causes, philosophy, psychiatry, psychopathologyPérez-Alvarez, Sass, and García-Montes (2008) propose a theoretical approach to the nature of mental disorders (MD) that attempts to explain the type of reality they constitute. In line with this approach, they argue that (1) MDs should be considered not from within psychology and psychiatry, but rather from the realm of philosophy, so as to (...)
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    Algorithmic biases: caring about teens’ neurorights.José M. Muñoz & José Ángel Marinaro - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (2):809-810.
  36. Rovira, Rogelio: Teología ética.José M. Vegas - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 8:239-242.
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    Biology and subjectivity: Philosophical contributions to non-reductive neuroscience.José M. Muñoz - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (7):1045-1048.
    Volume 33, Issue 7, October 2020, Page 1045-1048.
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    Dark times for cosmopolitanism? An ethical framework to address private agri-food governance and planetary stewardship.Jose M. Alcaraz, Francisco Tirado & Ana Gálvez - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):697-715.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Does integrity matter for CSR practice in organizations? The mediating role of transformational leadership.José M. C. Veríssimo & Teresa M. C. Lacerda - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1):34-51.
    Scholars have long debated whether leader's integrity affects managerial decision making with respect to social responsibility. In this paper, we propose a model in which transformational leadership mediates integrity and corporate social responsibility and examine the relationship between these concepts. A survey of 170 senior managers from 50 organizations was conducted. Results indicate that integrity is a predictor of transformational leadership behavior and that transformational leaders’ behaviors are linked to CSR practices. It was also found that leaders rated with higher (...)
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    Global index grammars and descriptive power.José M. Castaño - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (4):403-419.
    We review the properties of Global Index Grammars (GIGs), a grammar formalism that uses a stack of indices associated with productions and has restricted context-sensitive power. We show how the control of the derivation is performed and how this impacts in the descriptive power of this formalism both in the string languages and the structural descriptions that GIGs can generate.
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  41. Anatomía de la experiencia religiosa: componentes y caracteres.M. Jose - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (3):659-686.
    El cristianismo, obligado por la Modernidad, tuvo que hacer un desplazamiento desde el plano dogmático al plano moral; hoy estamos ante otro desplazamiento: el que va desde el terreno moral al místico. En este terreno dominará sobre todo la experiencia personal de la presencia salvífica de Dios en Cristo. Esa experiencia, vivida en medio del pluralismo, consistirá en una síntesis activa entre la Presencia y su interpretación . Este ensayo trata de diseccionar las dimensiones existenciales y lingüísticas de esa síntesis. (...)
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    Cien años de vitamins.José M.ª Mato - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_1):135-139.
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  43. Ensayos del Historicismo crítico-problemático.José M. Sevilla - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:369-373.
    Estudio bibliográfico de: / A Bibliographical Study of: G. Cacciatore, Storicismo problematico e metodo critico, Guida editori, Nápoles, 1993, pp. 426.
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  44. En torno al postcursorismo viquiano de la modernii) ad prqblemáticai “.Jose M. Sevilla - 1994 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 4:53.
    Vico permite repensar la condición problemática de la misma Modemidad en cuanto condición de "verosimile" , y cómo consecuentemente hay elementos viquianos para ofrecer una visión más amplia y plural de esta modemidad. Se intenta aportar, así, un elemento más para comprender la modemidad en su configuración problemática, apreciando cómo pronto en ella se procesan ya los elementos de la crisis de la racionalidad: dimensión en la que se hallan aspectos que, representados en las ideas de Vico, permiten "repensar" viquianamente, (...)
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    Protein machines and self assembly in muscle organization.José M. Barral & Henry F. Epstein - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (10):813-823.
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    Animal and human emotionality.José M. R. Delgado - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):425-427.
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    Stereotypes, Ingroup Emotions and the Inner Predictive Machinery of Testimony.José M. Araya & Simón Palacios - 2022 - Topoi 41 (5):871-882.
    The reductionist/anti-reductionist debate about testimonial justification (and knowledge) can be taken to collapse into a controversy about two kinds of underlying monitoring mechanism. The nature and structure of this mechanism remains an enigma in the debate. We suggest that the underlying monitoring mechanism amounts to emotion-based stereotyping. Our main argument in favor of the stereotype hypothesis about testimonial monitoring is that the underlying psychological mechanism responsible for testimonial monitoring has several conditions to satisfy. Each of these conditions is satisfied by (...)
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    Origin of eukaryotic programmed cell death: A consequence of aerobic metabolism?José M. Frade & Theologos M. Michaelidis - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (9):827-832.
    A marked feature of eukaryotic programmed cell death is an early drop in mitochondrial transmembrane potential. This results from the opening of permeability transition pores, which are composed of adenine nucleotide translocators and mitochondrial porins. The latter share striking similarites with bacterial porins, (including down‐regulation of their pore size by purine nucleotides), suggesting a common origin. The porins of some invasive bacteria play a crucial role during their accommodation inside the host cell and this co‐existence resembles the endosymbiotic origin of (...)
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    El Stimulus Amoris de Santiago de Milan y La Meditatio in Salve Regina.Jose M. Canal - 1966 - Franciscan Studies 26 (1):174-188.
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    Constructive R.José M. Méndez - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (4):167-173.
    Let R+ be the positive fragment of Anderson and Belnap’s Logic of Relevance, R. And let RMO+ be the result of adding the Mingle principle ) to R+. We have shown in [2] that either a minimal negation or else a semiclassical one can be added to RMO+ preserving the variable-sharing property. Moreover, each of there systems is given a semantics in the Routley-Meyer style. In describing in [2] the models for RMO+ plus minimal negation, we noted that a similar (...)
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